Design Conjecture: Patient ET Tube Sensor


This design conjecture is intended to expand on the advancement of imaging and screening capabilities and place focus on the patient’s comfortability in relation to the tube that are placed down there mouth to the trachea or directly through and surgical opening to the trachea.

When placed on a ventilator there is a breathing tube that the patient is hooked up to, one end delivers a mixture of oxygen and air while the other collects the exiting carbon dioxide. When the tube is placed in effect there is, varying amongst patients, discomfort especially noticed when in transport. In response to the movement endured in transport the tubes will not only entail such discomfort but also risk infection caused by the internal scratching of the tubes against the through and other internal areas.

As this type of data is more subjective to the nurses and respiratory therapists, to act if they see any sign of distress, the conjecture proposed will integrate a sensory identification found within the transport ventilator that will provide information on the breathing tubs and the patient; to receive status updates on the patient in relation to their tubes and any complications that may indicate further and immediate attention.