Tuesday, February 18, 2025

    Sabrina Young





    Interview: Walk Through a Colorful Installation Made of 140,000 Japanese Symbols

    Muted is not a word in designer and architect Emmanuelle Moureaux’s vocabulary. Known for her colorful installations of text that trail from the...

    Strengthening Communities Through Public Art

    Public art has long been recognized as a community asset, but because many of its benefits seem intangible, it is often treated...

    Artist reveals how community arts benefits the elderly

    AN AWARD-WINNING artist has voiced support for community arts, revealing the benefit it has had on the lives of elderly people across...

    Reading, writing may help preserve memory in older age

    BY MICHELLE CASTILLO A study published on July 3 in Neurology revealed that reading, writing, and doing other mentally...

    Participating in the arts creates paths to healthy aging

    Singing in a community choir may be a unique approach to promote the health of diverse older adults by helping them remain...