Todd White Theme Park and Attraction Concept Art Work


By: Todd White

Publisher: ArtStation

Date: NA


Comment: While not necessarily an article, this collection of artwork is a good resource for beginning to understand what some of the other other articles have been discussing. The first is the heavy saturation of these concepts. They are certainly vibrant depictions of what the attraction could potentially become. They also focus on one object typically that is the selling point of the overall concept. This object is normally a one of a kind structure or thing. This is where AM technology could begin to play a role. It would certainly be far cheaper and easier to print lots of these structures such as the crate woody is under rather than fabricating them from scratch. Not to mention the time it takes to produce these things from scratch either. AM tech could save a tremendous amount of time. These images are also heavily environmental. This is another area where AM manufacturing could step in to help produce one of a kind environments by printing walls, floors, ceilings, etc and finishing them via post production.