Nanny-Bot: A Child’s Distance-Learning Companion


The Nanny-Bot is a tool children can use to learn to be more independent and less reliant on their parents during the school day. It answers their questions about schoolwork, sets timers to keep them on track, and gives them fun ideas for breaks throughout the day. Nanny-Bot can also act as a companion with which to practice their social-emotional learning skills, similar to the SiLAS technology. The student can click the button on the top if they need extra help: Nanny-Bot will then reach out to the child’s teacher or parents.

This concept is primarily based on the current situation in which it is not always realistic to be able to help a young child with school and work to earn a living at the same time. It also pulls from the idea of children becoming autonomous learners by having the ability to choose what they want to work on, and the importance of social-emotional learning.

With my limited research on child autonomy and development, I am unsure how realistic it would be for a young child (k-3) to be able to keep on track with only the assistance of a smart speaker. However, with more research I believe this concept could transform into something that would lesser the parents’ workload at least a little bit.