Hair and Makeup Tips That Should Come in an Arthritis Manual


Original Article:
“27 Hair and Makeup Tips that Should Come in an Arthritis Manual”
by Charlotte Hilton Anderson

“Who says you have to suffer to be beautiful?… Arthritis can make beauty care difficult in two ways, says Lindsay Bierman, a professional makeup artist, beauty and wellness expert, and former cosmetic chemist. All those little tubes, brushes, and twist-off lids can feel incredibly painful to use with arthritis in your hands, fingers, wrists, shoulders, and arms. And even if joint pain isn’t a problem, the getting ready process can exacerbate fatigue also associated with arthritis… The solution isn’t to forget about your hair and makeup. Your beauty routine may be a vital part of your identity and self-esteem, which are already taking a hit from living with chronic illness. Rather, managing your beauty routine with arthritis is all about streamlining and simplifying… Beauty sponges, as opposed to brushes or fingers, are easier to hold if you have arthritis in your hands, fingers, wrists, or elbows… Many makeup products require twisting off tiny caps to use — a feat that can feel impossible on bad arthritis days. Keeping a rubber jar opener in your makeup kit will allow you to open them [products] with far less effort, Maria says… ‘I always advise my clients to look for lower maintenance products that apply faster,’ says Hannah Maruyama, a licensed cosmetic tattoo artist and microblading author… Dry shampoo can extend the time between washings by several day. It can also give extra body and volume to hair that might be thinning…. perfect for people who want to dry their hair but can’t hold a heavy hair dryer.”

This article reinforces the idea that looks and one’s beauty routine can serve as a part of one’s identity—highlighting why creating accommodating beauty and hygiene products is important. In addition to this, it gives great insight into some of the current “hacks” individuals with arthritis are using to alleviate their pain points. Something interesting about this article was how it advocated for the use of dry shampoo—which commonly comes in containers with small lids and spray nozzles.