How Does the Nike Plus Work?

Runners in park



Nike Plus, commonly displayed as Nike+, is a software program that works by tracking the performance of runners through a wireless connection. The proprietary system, made by athletic equipment company Nike Inc., requires several components: the Nike+ sensor, a pair of shoes compatible with Nike+ and a Nike+ tracking device, including those made by Apple. The system also uses the Nike+ website to store each user’s personal information and running history and serve as a social media hub for runners. Those who want to use the tracking benefits of Nike+ must register with the website.

The sensor is designed to provide real-time information while you run. Data on your pace, distance covered, time elapsed and calories burned is sent wirelessly to your Nike+ tracking device so you can access the information while you run. The Nike+ SportWatch and the Nike+ GPS app for the iPhone also use GPS tracking to map the route of your run.

Among the benefits of using Nike+ is the ability to use features of the website to keep you motivated in your workout program. The website offers a variety of training programs through the Nike+Coach feature. 


This article goes into detail about how the Nike plus tracking works and the many ways it can be used. This makes me wonder how I could apply the gps technology used in the Nike plus tracker to grocery shopping in order to create a smoother and more efficient experience for the shoppers.