Park, Home, and School – Looking at Clinton Elementary PTA Members Relationship to The Outdoors and Education

Stats by Erin. Click to full screen.


I was resistant to doing a survey so early in my research process because I was unsure what I wanted to learn from the process. Through my research, it became clear that I wanted to make my capstone project for children, but children can be hard to research. So, I decided to do primary care givers instead, and went to the first PTA meeting that I could. That happened to be at Clinton Elementary School. About 30 people were there. I reached out to the family ambassador; Emily Fuller, who was able to distribute my surveys through the private Clinton PTA Facebook group. I got 18 responses after less than a week, which I am happy with considering the number of members at the most recent meeting, and therefore likely the most active people, totaled about 30. 

To analyze my data, I first exported my results into an Excel sheet. Then I transported it to Jamovi, a data analysis platform. There I was able to quickly get frequencies and graphs for my responses. I also checked for any correlations between answers, and unfortunately found none. 

To visualize, I knew I wanted it to feel like it was accessible to children. I realized my data had 3 main areas of interest; home, school, and parks, so I separated the most interesting or useful results into those 3 categories. Then I made it visual by literally breaking up my page into the shapes of a tree, school, house, and cloud. 


I learned a lot from this survey. The majority of those surveyed were frequent visitors of parks around the area, especially Columbus Parks of Roses. Their kids enjoy going on playgrounds, hiking, and creaking. I was surprised how frequently creaking was mentioned! I think this water-play activity is something I should continue looking at. I was somewhat surprised that out of all the learning subjects, the majority of parents said social and emotional education was the most important to learn in school. I expected more traditional answers, but appreciate that parents of the newer generations are understanding the importance of emotional subjects. This survey really allowed me to see where parent’s heads are currently at in regards to parks, education, and sustainability in the home.



Start of Block: Block 1

Q1 The Ohio State University Consent to Participate in Erin Shaw’s Research Study for my senior capstone project partnered with ODNR.
 This is a consent form for research participation. It contains important information about this study and what to expect if you decide to participate. Your participation is voluntary. Please consider the information carefully. Feel free to ask questions before making your decision whether or not to participate.
 What we hope to learn: How primary care givers at Columbus City Schools perceive various Columbus activities and education topics.
 Your privacy: Your responses will be stored anonymously. We will work to make sure that no one sees your survey responses without approval.
 Your Rights: You may refuse to participate in this study without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you choose to participate in the study, you may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. By giving your consent, you do not give up any personal legal rights you may have as a participant in this study.
 Contacts and Questions: For questions, concerns, or complaints about the study, or you feel you have been harmed as a result of study participation, you may contact
 Your Consent: I have read (or someone has read to me) this form and I am aware that I am being asked to participate in a research study. I voluntarily agree to participate in this study. I give my consent by digitally selecting “I consent” below.

  • I consent  (1)
  • I do not consent  (2)

Skip To: End of Survey If The Ohio State University Consent to Participate in Erin Shaw’s Research Study for my senior caps… = I do not consent

Q2 Are you a parent or primary caregiver of a child 13 or younger?

  • Yes  (1)
  • No  (2)

Skip To: End of Survey If Are you a parent or primary caregiver of a child 13 or younger? = No

Page Break 

End of Block: Block 5

Start of Block: Default Question Block

For the next two questions, we will ask about parks. Consider all park types, including neighborhood, state parks, national parks, playgrounds, waterways, etc.

Page Break 

Q3 Did you and your child/ren visit a park together this past summer? If so, how often?

  • We did not  (1)
  • Once or twice  (2)
  • Once a month  (3)
  • A few times a month  (4)
  • Once a week  (5)
  • A few times a week  (6)
  • Nearly everyday  (7)

Q4 If you visited a park with your child/ren last summer, please list the top 3 activities your child/ren enjoy doing at a park.

End of Block: Default Question Block

Start of Block: Block 1

These next few questions are general questions about your family activities and household.

Q5 According to TripAdvisor, these are the top fifteen family activities to do in Columbus. Which of these activities have you and your family done in the last year? Select all that apply.

  • Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens  (1)
  • Easton Town Center  (2)
  • German Village  (3)
  • North Market Downtown  (4)
  • COSI Center of Science and Industry  (5)
  • Otherworld  (6)
  • Ohio Stadium  (7)
  • Ohio Theatre  (8)
  • Columbus Museum of Art  (9)
  • Topiary Park  (10)
  • Ohio Statehouse  (11)
  • Whetstone Park / Park of Roses  (12)
  • Hayden Falls Park  (13)
  • Scioto Mile  (14)
  • LEGOLAND Discovery Center Columbus  (15)
  • None of the above  (16)

Q6 If you garden or do yard work, do your child/ren join you?

  • Yes  (1)
  • No  (2)
  • N/A  (3)

Q7 If yes, please list the gardening/yardcare activities that your children do with you.


Q8 Does your household recycle and/or compost?

  • Neither recycle or compost  (1)
  • Only recycle  (2)
  • Only compost  (3)
  • Both recycle and compost  (4)

End of Block: Block 1

Start of Block: Block 2

The next two questions will ask about your opinions on education topics.

Q9 According to Ohio’s Department of Education, these are the learning standards of K-12 education. Please drag to rank in order of what you think is important for your child to learn at school. 1 being most important and 8 being least important.

______ English (Language arts) (1)

______ Financial Literacy (2)

______ Fine arts (3)

______ Physical Education / Health Education (4)

______ Math / Science (5)

______ Social Studies / History (6)

______ Computer Science / Technology (7)

______ Social and Emotional (8)

Page Break 

End of Block: Block 2

Start of Block: Block 3

Q10 According to Ohio’s Department of Education, these are the 5 competencies that make up their “social and emotional” area of the learning standard. Please drag to rank in order which you think is most important for your child to learn at school. 1 being most important and 5 being least important.

______ Self-awareness (1)

______ Self-management (2)

______ Social awareness (3)

______ Relationship skills (4)

______ Responsible decision making (5)

End of Block: Block 3

Start of Block: Block 4

Almost done! The last questions will be demographic related questions.

Q11 How many children do you have or are the primary caregiver of?

  • 1  (1)
  • 2  (2)
  • 3  (3)
  • 4  (4)
  • 5+  (5)

Q12 How old are your child/ren? Select all that apply.

  • Less than a year  (1)
  • 1-3  (2)
  • 4  (3)
  • 5  (4)
  • 6  (5)
  • 7  (6)
  • 8  (7)
  • 9  (8)
  • 10  (9)
  • 11  (10)
  • 12  (11)
  • 13+  (12)

Q13 OPTIONAL: If you and/or your child/ren are interested in being involved in the research process further into the project, please leave your name and contact information below.

End of Block: Block 4