Design Conjecture: The Huntington Weekly

The 9/17/24 edition of The Huntington Weekly.

The Huntington Weekly is mailed out weekly to every Huntington customer. Each edition features a new topic in financial literacy and a way to connect with the Huntington community. Huntington community members can submit advice, questions, lifestyle choices, or anything else about finances. This can be anything from normal financial advice, ethical spending guides, or broader commentary about systematic barriers within banking.

The “Business” section of my newspaper focuses on consumer power and how our money can create lasting social change for our collective well-being. It is seen that “people are expressing themselves not only with their voices, but with their wallets” and this parallels with the concept of moving “the world forward” by making “good trouble” and getting “more creative with your tactics” (Taylor, 2022). The first step in sparking social change through your money is understanding how finances play a part in our broader society. Huntington Bank can help customers play a more active role in their personal finances by giving them the information they need to become a powerful consumer.

The Huntington Weekly also allows people from all over the Huntington community to connect with one another and find people and resources that help them improve their personal finances. This helps boost the collective community and allows the individual to hold more power in how they go about banking now and in the future, but it also requires an entire team of people to produce and expects that the customer is able to understand what the newspaper is communicating in the first place.


Taylor, C. (2022, June 29). Boycott Nation: How Americans are boycotting companies now. Reuters.