Soccer, more popularly known as Football in the non-American world is a popular game with the last World Cup in Qatar being a recent memory. This famous sport is now being used as a tool for learning financial literacy.
“Visa believes that greater financial knowledge can empower people to better manage their money and improve their quality of life” (Practical Money Skills).
Practical Money Skills and Visa are focusing on making financial literacy accessible. “Practical Money Skills is available in 19 languages and 46 countries and has empowered millions of consumers, educators, parents and students to take control of their finances. The free educational resources include personal finance articles, lesson plans, mobile apps and games” (Practical Money Skills).
“Visa has extended the program’s reach on a global scale by working collaboratively with leading partners. Harnessing the power of the world’s most popular sport, Visa developed a World Cup-themed Financial Soccer game, which has been utilized by governments, localized and translated into 18 languages and offered in 45 countries. Through partnerships with government officials in 49 states, Visa has distributed the popular NFL-themed Financial Football game and classroom curriculum to nearly 30,000 high schools and middle schools” (Practical Money Skills).
An example of one of these games is “Financial Soccer.” It allows you to pick teams and play through the game of soccer by answering financial questions.

“Practical Money Skills program strives to link consumers, educators, banks and governments to the tools and resources they need, helping individuals and communities develop their money management skills. Visa believes that greater financial knowledge can empower people to better manage their money and improve their quality of life” (Practical Money Skills).
Financial literacy is an important factor of having good personal finance and well-being, Making financial knowledge accessible is incredibly important in allowing people to be confident in the bank and their finances. These games have been used in school curriculums to make learning more engaging for students and allow it to be connected to something that many students relate to with the different games and themes. The gamification of education is a powerful tool that can change how a student learns and understands material. With this in mind, how can design take this concept of gamification to improve personal finance and well-being inside and outside of a school environment?
Financial Soccer. (2022). Financial Soccer. https://financialsoccer.com/en
Practical Money Skills. About Practical Money Skills. https://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/en/about.html