Site Visit Summary: Alum Creek State Park and Beach


Observation Excerpt:

  • Very sunny
  • Little shade
  • Cigarette butts by the sidewalk
  • Someone scanning for metal
  • Pavilion with shade structures that didn’t provide shade
  • Older duo playing frisbee
  • Nearby storybook trail
  • Took a couple of minutes to walk from the parking lot to the beach
  • The electronic board was malfunctioning
  • An intern was piloting their waste management program, but it had been placed in the wrong place

Additional Notes:

During the site visit, an intern discussed implementing her waste management solution pilot project. However, she and one of our ODNR partners were frustrated that the area where it had been placed was not visible from the beach. I thought the location was inconvenient for visitors to pick up and discard the buckets since it was far from the parking lot. This made me wonder if the location was picked at random, or was there a miscommunication? Is this something I should keep in mind when proposing my project?