This chosen article from WXYZ news, gives the story of a man who got an implant in his hand that is able to perform many typical daily tasks.
Article Excerpt
Brandon can open his Tesla door thanks to a microchip that’s implanted subdermally in his right hand.
“It’s not just a Tesla key, you are able to have it be a secure crypto storage wallet, I can at some point in the future do credit card transactions of it at some point in time,” said Brandon Dalaly.
“It has an LED at the top, it has a copper coil in the middle that acts as an NFC antenna, and below that is going to be the actual chip,” said Dalaly.
For $100, a piercer implanted the $300 chip, which according to Brandon doesn’t impact his day-to-day activities, and people don’t even notice it.
“So you can tap, the chip lights green, shows its connecting, so it will be able to tell you blood type, emergency contact info, and you are able to pull up the COVID vax card from here too,” said Dalaly.
The motivation behind the implant? To lead a life without having to carry keys and a wallet.
“People think I’m a little crazy. People call me a cyborg or something like that,” Dalaly said.
Brandon is planning a third implant which would allow him to monitor vitals like his body temperature.

This story is especially interesting because it shows the current capabilities of implantable technologies. An implant as small as a pill is able to be used as keys for this mans car, a method of payment, as well as give valuable information to first responders or medical professionals if they are to scan the device. As futuristic as this seems, this is something that a human is currently living with and uses in day to day life. He does not have to think about bringing some of the items that he used to have to carry around anymore because they are permanently attached to his person.
This type of technology is mean to be hidden and do the work of other items that otherwise the man would have to carry separately all the time. Because of this, there is an ease of mind in not being able to forget things like your wallet or keys, which are almost essential items to keep on you in todays world.
This type of technology could be extremely useful in the world of medicine, being able to constantly have access to critical health information could save many lives.
Javed, F. (2022, September 4). Birmingham man aims to set new trend with Implant Technology. WXYZ 7 News Detroit.