A Banksy Piece Was Shredded At Auction In 2018. Now, It May Sell For Millions More

Citation - Pruitt-Young, S. (2021, September 7). A Banksy Piece Was Shredded At Auction In 2018. Now, It May Sell For Millions More. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/07/1034962331/banksy-shredder-girl-with-balloon-love-is-in-the-bin-auction-sothebys


It was an iconic Banksy moment. In 2018, the “Girl With Balloon” piece was sold at auction for $1.4 million dollars, but the work of art “self-destructed” the moment the deal was done. The piece unexpectedly lowered itself through a shredder that had been built into the bottom of the frame unbeknownst to anyone involved in the sale, according to Sotheby’s. The bottom half of the painting was cut into strips in what Sotheby’s has referred to as a moment of “instant art world history.”

Why Did Banksy Shred His Painting?

Citation – Taylor, S. (2023, February 28). Why did Banksy shred his painting? – Wayne Arthur Gallery. Wayne Arthur Gallery. https://www.waynearthurgallery.com/why-did-banksy-shred-his-painting/#:~:text=Banksy’s%20act%20of%20shredding%20%E2%80%9CGirl,everyone%2C%20not%20just%20the%20wealthy.


Statement on the value of art and the art marketBanksy may have wanted to challenge the idea that the value of a work of art is based solely on its price tag and to question the way the art market operates.
Protest against the commercialization of artThe artist may have been making a statement about the exclusivity of the art market and the way that it can obscure the true value of art.
Self-destructive performance artThe shredding may have been a comment on the impermanence of art and the fleeting nature of fame.
Viral marketing stuntBy creating an unexpected and memorable event, Banksy may have been trying to draw attention to his art and to promote his brand.

Analysis – “To understand the statement that this performance makes, you have to not forget that the Banksy project started from graffiti culture and street art. It was an appeal to the financially insufficient, and it is counter-cultural art. The Girl with Balloon’s value has surely multiplied after the shredding stunt, but so did its intrinsic value, meaning, and popularity. The monetary increase in value was an inevitable outcome of the prank on high art. In my opinion, the best part about the whole thing is the predictable sounds of “ohs and ahs” we can imagine hearing from the highbrow pinky toters after the canvas was shredded. The artwork is now Dada.

But why did the artwork only shred halfway? Why not all the way? Why not catch fire, or spill ink on itself? In my opinion either: 1, the Banksy lawyers or marketers were not so keen on that idea, or 2, Banksy sold out, which would be hypocritical to the social commentary of the stunt. Either way, the rich have just gotten richer, and blue chip art is doing even better for itself. ” – Easton Nguyen