Guess the Feeling

Daniel Tiger's Neighboorhood


Hey, at the very start, I want to say “If you are a 2D website game designer, please try this!”

Guess the feeling: Daniel Tiger: PBS kids. Guess the Feeling | Daniel Tiger | PBS KIDS. (n.d.). Retrieved January 30, 2023, from

Personal Reflection:
It’s a fun educational game I found. It’s free, and easy to access. Why I like this is that it inspired me about how to make a nice website game! I’m learning p5.js this semester, and planning to make a website game using Javascript, which is a programming language, to make a 2D website game. I found out the game has not only good art, but great at meaningful goal! I was surprised to see how the game designer connects game with educational purpose. It looks not so hard at coding, but chanllengable enough for me. Also, it matches good with my original plan to make good arts in my game. That’s the reason why I like this game! Some good designs and instructions below:


  • Starting the Game
    • On the welcome screen, select the play button below the title to begin the game.
  • Game Controls
    • Desktop
      • Using your mouse, left click to navigate.
    • Touchscreen devices
      • Navigate the game by tapping your fingers.
  • Game Play
    • Basics
      • This game serves as an interactive presentation to teach young children the definition of many common emotions.
        • One of the kids of the class will act out an emotion.
        • The rest of the class and you, the viewer, must identify it.
      • The game automatically begins with Daniel Tiger going first.
        • His turn also provides a walkthrough for the game.
      • Pick any of the students in Ms. Harriet’s class to continue.
      • Eventually, it will be your turn.
        • The children will respond to it by showing their attempts at the emotion.
        • You cannot answer the game directly (no option to select answers exists).
        • The other kids will answer and play it out.
      • You receive a scratch card that reveals a scene from the series showing the emotion in action.
        • A song will play about the emotion. Songs about negative emotions center around deal with these feelings in a positive, constructive way.
    • Featured characters
      • Daniel Tiger Jr.
      • Miss Elaina
      • Prince Wednesday
      • Katerina Kittycat
      • Oh the Owl
  • Important Lessons
    • The game teaches young children that it is valid to experience negative emotions like frustration, anger, or sadness.
    • It also emphasizes ways to manage them in a positive manner.
  • Target Audience
    • This game is suited for very young children. It’s a simple teaching tool that demonstrates various emotions and how to identify them.
    • The game has no adult content.