Getting A Leg Up: Boffins Develop Seeing Leg for Blind Amputee

By Joanna Jasinska


Orthopaedic technicians from Rzeszów have developed a prosthetic leg for blind patient, which not only allows him to walk but also measures distance and warns him about any obstacles he could walk into.

Rzeszów Orthopaedic Works (Rzeszowskie Zakłady Ortopedyczne, RZO) designed and built the device especially for the man and donated it for free.

Tomasz Strugała from Rzeszów, who has been blind for 10 years had to have his leg amputated above the knee but instead of being confined to a wheelchair, he decided to try his luck with an artificial leg. His story inspired the technicians from RZO, who looked for a solution to more than just one his problems.

Two of the technicians, Rafał Murias and Rafał Borkowski, came up with a device that similarities to a parking sensor in a car. The motion sensor uses two technologies: ultrasonic and laser to measure distances. Sensors are designed to detect an obstacle in front of the patient and determine the distance. Two of the technicians, Rafał Murias and Rafał Borkowski, came up with a device that similarities to a parking sensor in a car. The motion sensor uses two technologies: ultrasonic and laser to measure distances. Sensors are designed to detect an obstacle in front of the patient and determine the distance. 

After several trials, the sensor works perfectly, according to the needs of the patient. “The cooperation was also successful thanks to the fact that Mr. Tomek [Strugała] was brought to our workshop several times to test how it all works and willingly cooperated with our team,” added Grela.


By using and building off of an already existing technology, a car sensor, they were able to customize and refine it to fit the needs more to what they needed it to be. Often, we’re told to not reinvent the wheel if we don’t need it to be, sometimes and most of the times, we can take something that already has a foundation and works, and just tweak and refine it to fit our needs. There isn’t a need to reinvent and learn programming to do something that already works but rather to spend that time to make it more customized and suitable for your needs.