Electrolyte Ice Chips


The key for preventing hydration in a sick child is tackling it early. By creating a product that promotes hydration while a child is sick, not after, the negative effects wont set in. Because they’re treating children, they need to be a treat. A staple purchase when caring for a sick child. Electrolyte juice filled ice chips can be snacked on in between medicine intake. They could be produced in fun flavors, colors, and shapes to act as a secondary entertainment for the child, something listed as a necessity in almost every secondary resource about treating sick children. They could be sold as mini popsicles so they could be administered more often and soothe the throat while rehydrating.


-Does not measure hydration

-Have to go buy new ones every time a child is sick

-Do they really make that much of a difference?

-Electrolyte drinks are proven to not help that much more than water