Infrared light-based technologies drive interactive vehicles forward

How bio-metrics mixed with advancing AI can benefit the driving experience.


“If you’re not actually driving your car, you’ll be doing all sorts of other things — such as working, watching videos, or perhaps even creating a piece of artwork during your morning commute. Like in our homes, features such as coziness and interior design will play a critical role. That means there will be increased demand for superior comfort — as well as for intuitive interactions with the vehicle. Infrared light plays an essential role in meeting these demands.

The technology is based on an application commonly used in many smartphones and tablets — biometric identification. This technology analyzes the unique features of the user via iris scans and facial recognition. Iris scans, for instance, detect the unique pattern of a user’s iris, while facial recognition systems focus on certain two- or three-dimensional characteristics, such as the distance between the eyes. Based on that analysis, the system is then able to accurately identify the user.”

AI can often lead to discrimination depending on the source of the algorithms. While biometrics could be used in a beneficial way to assist driving that need to make quick decisions, the AI could misread facial cues.

Infrared Light-Based Technologies Drive Interactive …