Bring Back the Ergonomics

Cars Used to Have Swiveling Front Seats to Make Them Easier to Get In and Out of


“I’ve often bitched here that cars are not well-designed for getting in and out of. Well, back in the 1950’s some unnamed Chrysler designers apparently felt the same way, and designed front seats that swiveled to ease ingress and egress.”

“GM took note, and pushed it even further; the designers of one of their 1961 concept cars, the Buick Flamingo, said “Hell, let’s make it turn all the way around.” But neither the car nor the seat ever made it into production.”

Ergonomics took a backseat to providing affordable, luxury cars. By designing swivel seats, people could move with ease. But this was expensive and often a safety hazard.

“Bring Back the Ergonomics: Cars Used to Have Swiveling Front Seats to Make Them Easier to Get in and out Of.” Core77,