Project Bus Stop


Named Project Bus Stop, the architects envisaged the new concept bus stop serving beyond its primary function to make waiting for buses a fun and enriching experience for commuters.

This ground-up design solution features a bus-stop with free WiFi; handphone charging points; interactive smart boards that provide content and services such as bus arrival timings, e-books download and journey planner; a green roof; bicycle parking; and even a swing. It also showcases artwork by local illustrator Lee Xin Li.

Books & Swing

Project Bus Stop - Information Panel, swing and book shelf
Project Bus Stop – Information Panel, swing and book shelf

A bookshelf within the bus stop keeps commuters occupied while waiting for the bus with a range of books to choose from. In addition to interestingly-designed seats with armrests, the bus stop features a swing, although its range of motion is limited by metal chains securing it to the ground. A Project Bus Stop information board is displayed next to the swing.


Project Bus Stop - Greenery elements
Project Bus Stop – Greenery elements

Greenery elements are integrated into the bus stop design, featuring a shallow planter box and climbing plants growing around vertical wires, forming a ‘wall’ that cuts glare and visually enhances the feel of the bus stop.

Information Boards

Project Bus Stop contains a large, continuous information board built into the wall of the bus stop, with enough room for five information panels. Apart from bus route information, a locality map and Bus Contracting Model promotional material is displayed.

Project Bus Stop - Interior Information Boards
Project Bus Stop – Interior Information Boards


Project bus stop is an innovative approach in challenging what a traditional bus stop looks like. By incorporating elements that allow its patrons the opportunity to interact with its space, it flips the notion of a static bus stop. This is an excellent example in capturing the essence of several different concepts and merging them into a space that can appeal to a broader audience of users.

“Project Bus Stop.” Land Transport Guru, 9 July 2020,