Digital app device amplifies our most human devices – fear, worry, safety


by Jerry Davich, Chicago Tribune, November 27, 2018

It pits safety and security against privacy and surveillance. Which do you value more on a personal level? Which do you fear more on an abstract level? Yes, there are many enticing perks to begin using this opt-in app. So why isn’t everyone using it? Possibly because it taps into a deeper discussion about personal privacy, trust issues, and parenting strategies. It’s ideal if you’re a helicopter parent, hovering around your child of any age at every possible time and location. However, not so much if you’re a free range parent, allowing your child to come and go as they wish without knowing every detail and location.

My mom has used Life360 before with my sister to keep track of her when she is out and about. In fact I know a couple other people that have also used the app. On a certain level I do think that it can be creepy when you know someone can know where you are at all times, but Snapchat has done a similar thing with “Snapmaps”. Although location sharing a gps tracking might be a turn off to people, it is most likely already being done without us knowing. If introduced slowly, the reception might ne be as harsh, and could increase individuals safety.