The Ideal Business Model Canvas


by Amber Fan

This is the ideal business model canvas where OSU’s CampusParc as well as a lighting manufacturer, such as GE would take up the roles as key partners of my project. With their help, a lighting system can be designed to fit the needs of the current on-campus garages, ensuring student safety as well as fostering a healthy parking garage environment. An app could be developed and integrated to aid the system, forming a garage-user network. Smart lighting technology can come to play a major role. Right now, Current by GE offers a system of smart lighting that has sensors built into their lighting fixtures, which not only monitor their surroundings, but also collect and analyze data. With such technology, the lights can auto-adjust to dimmer or brighter light levels; they can also pre-read and detect potential threat based on data-analysis to prevent crime, etc. The implementation of the existing smart lighting tech would be greatly beneficial, if possible.