
Image of finger brush tool

Original Content:

“The ThisAbles project was conceived to allow people with special needs to enjoy the quality of life provided by IKEA products.

As part of IKEA’s vision to “create a better everyday life for as many people as possible”, we joined forces with the non-profit organizations Milbat and Access Israel, that specialize in creating special solutions for populations with special needs and disabilities, and developed a new and revolutionary line of products that bridge some of the gaps between existing IKEA products and the special needs of people belonging to these populations.

It was important for us to create maximum access in every aspect of the project, from the designated site that we constructed for the project, that was adapted for people with disabilities, to the products themselves, some of which can even be printed independently in a 3D printer based on models that we have made available to the general public.

Mega Switch – An oversized switch that makes it possible to operate the lamp without the need for precise use of the fingers.
Easy Handle – A handle for opening the door with the forearm or the whole hand, without having to use the fingers.
Finger Brush – A device that enables holding drawing and painting tools for people with difficulty operating their fingers.”

ThisAbles is an interesting and relevant project which will inspire me as I continue to look for ways the beauty and hygiene industry can increase inclusivity.