Ceramic Art is Useful in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis


Original Article:
AB1061 Is Ceramic Art Useful in Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
by R. Tanaka, T. Tsuchida

“A published study demonstrating that listening to Rakugo (a comic story) alleviated the pain experienced by patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), accompanied by reduction in serum IL-6 and cortisol levels [1]. Overall physical condition improvement and pain alleviation with music therapy have also been reported [2]. However, only few studies have assessed the efficacy of occupational therapy (particularly handcraft work) in outpatients with RA… The present study evaluated the usefulness of handcraft work (particularly ceramic art) for both physical and mental rehabilitation for outpatients with RA… The present study evaluated the usefulness of handcraft work (particularly ceramic art) for both physical and mental rehabilitation for outpatients with RA… The study involved 10 outpatients with RA managed at our hospital (all females, all right-handed persons, mean age 63.1 years, the average duration of disease was 10.7 years). For physical and mental evaluation, grip, pinching power, VAS score for systemic pain, 20-level FACE scale score, self-rating depression scale (SDS) score were measured before and after participation in ceramic art craft and compared. In addition, a questionnaire survey was administered to assess patient perception of ceramic art… Right hand grip was 14.3±7.2 kgw before participation and 14.8 ±7.1 after participation in ceramic art craft. Left hand grip was 12.1±7.1 and 13.4±7.1 before and after participation, respectively… Ceramic art is an activity capable of improving the physical condition and mental state (alleviation of depression, etc.) of patients with RA and improving physical functions such as grip of opposite hand and dominant pinching power. It is useful in the treatment of RA, similar to listening to Rakugo and music therapy.”

This great article serves to reinforce the perceived mental health benefits of art for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis while introducing how specific forms of art, such as ceramics, have physical benefits for improved grip and hand strength.