Design Conjecture: Hospital Bed Cord Management


This design conjecture is intended to acknowledge the opportunity to utilize the framework of the hospital bed to integrate cord/tube management of the patient to minimize such networks from locating directly on the patient and presenting obstacles for the nurse practitioners and respiratory therapists.

When a patient is connected to a ventilator, the complexities that exist between a patient and their ventilator include the abundance of cords, tubes, and other plug in wires that ensure the machine and the patent function together. The location in which these networks reside during a hospital patient transport is directly into the pateint. As a result, this instills further discomfort to the patient as well as frustration and time spent due to the potential for the cords to get caught onto the hospital bed or even be stepped on by the amount of foot traffic during transport.

The proposed solution addresses the issue though exploring the ways in which cords can be further integrated in a hospital bed or to reduce the overwhelming present to reduce frustration, time spent, and even money to replace.