The Drive-Through Ordering Food Pantry


This concept is focuesed around putting the customer first. Many directors of food pantries have a strong grasp of what their communities like, but each household has individual needs that should be met uniquely. Each day, A sign of what the food pantry has in stock will be posted outside the building.

Since most families can only visit once a month (twice a month since March). They want to make the most of it. If it is convenient, families can pass by and receive food when it is most beneficial for them.

The system is split into three touch-points and 4 sections total. First the family says what they want from what is available. While they are checking into the system (touch-point 2), people in the back will be creating their personal bag, Checking-in is normally the most time consuming part, so the bag should be nearly complete by the time they are done. the last step is to have deliverers place the food into their car and then leave.

One potential problem that arises form this system is when families order bags, but aren’t actually allowed to recieve food (which happens more often than you think). Since people in the back have already started making their bag, they are probably more likely to just give them the food. This could also hold up the line (which already happens in most places).

A second potential problem is that there may be really slow days where people don’t want certain foods. Having unpredictably very busy days are also possible if certain foods are available that the community loves. A potential solution to this is only letting customers choose half of their foods, and making the other half be filled with whatever is the closest to going bad.