Leave a Cooler in your Car to Keep your Groceries Chilled


Date: 05/22/2019

From packing snacks for an outing to bringing groceries home, there are many times when you need to keep food in your car. However, if the car trip lasts longer than a few minutes, you might start to worry about food safety.

The answer? A cooler! Spontaneous shopping trips won’t be an issue if you can keep your perishables cold while you run other errands. Even ice cream will last on a hot day if you store it properly in a cooler.

Investing in some extra coolers will make your life a lot easier—here’s how to get the most out of this simple idea.

With a cooler in your car, the possibilities are endless. You can be the first at the farmer’s market, grabbing the freshest fruits and veggies before the crowds rush in. And there’s no need to hurry home—you can go out for breakfast, enjoy a cup of coffee, and trust that your fresh food will stay cool.

The car cooler is also great for everyday grocery shopping. You can now go to your favorite stores all over town, storing perishables in the cooler while you shop. Even if you’re a one-stop sort of shopper, the cooler will keep everything chilled on the drive home.

Don’t have time to shop after work? Consider shopping during your lunch break. You can even bring your cooler up to the office.


The argument this article is making for needing a cooler in your vehicle is to keep perishable items fresh longer and keep frozen or chilled items cool. This speaks to the growing necessity for technology like this to be built into vehicles to avoid having to have additional accesories such as a cooler to void such issues. I think car manufacturer’s should and are likely exploring this option, as often times air conditioning is not always enough to provide this effect. While the technology is not new, coolers in vehicles are typically reserved for the ultra luxurious and very expensive to add as an accesory. Not only that, but they are small and really only serve to cool champagne and a few glasses. I think manufacturers have a chance to explore this technology more and find out how it could be integrated better into future vehicles and at a more reasonable price for the everday buyer.


Chafin, Jill A. “Leave a Cooler in Your Car to Help Keep Groceries Chilled.” LifeSavvy RSS, LifeSavvy, 22 May 2019, https://www.lifesavvy.com/3110/leave-a-cooler-in-your-car-to-help-keep-groceries-chilled/.