Uniqlo and their Unique solution

image sourced from https://www.economist.com/business/2023/04/20/uniqlos-success-mirrors-the-growth-of-japans-industrial-giants

In this review I wanted to find an innovative solution to services that are typically ‘self service’. The retail space has been using self checkout scanners in 1986 and haven’t gone anywhere since. According to the article ”over two-thirds” of customers have “experienced problems while using the technology” (Picoult, 2023). Uniqlo has taken these issues head on and have discovered a possible solution to the ailments that customers have griped about for years. I hope to find insight on the self service technology available, and how it may translate to the financial world.

UNIQLO’s new RFID scanners, image sourced from https://www.the-sun.com/news/7829721/major-retailer-uniqlo-self-checkout-technology/

The wow factor of the new Uniqlo self checkout scanner is enough reason to draw inspiration to innovate, but what I found interesting was care that went into that decision. Uniqlo used emerging technology for the purpose of the customer, and to make their interactions in their store seamless. I also found it interesting how Picoult shifted focus for a moment to show how some other retail spaces are trying to solve the issues, but their solutions are coming short. They’re coming short because they don’t give autonomy to the customer, while also providing seamless interactions. I’m sure the new technology will have its hiccups from time to time but I believe that they have taken leaps to create a much better customer experience overall. Learning from Uniqlo’s new self checkout scanners how can design use new and emerging technologies to provide an easy and seamless experience for the customer?


Picoult, J. (2023, December 21). A self-checkout that customers love? this company created it. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonpicoult/2023/12/21/a-self-checkout-that-customers-love–this-company-created-it/