The Weasel Problem

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In looking for an article of this type I was searching for an article talking about motivational factors in a workplace environment. I found this article to be insightful and interesting because of its outside of the box approach to explaining the issue of motivation in a mundane office space.

Although the story of the Weasel problem is amusing, I believe that the real meat of the article comes afterwards. Motivational and Hygiene factors are terms that I have never heard of before reading this article but I found them to be very insightful. Hygiene factors are the the bare minimum when it comes to creating an inspiring workplace, but they are not nearly enough to build a positive workplace from the ground up. Not having weasels biting at my ankles is a new issue I have to be looking for when searching for jobs, but that won’t be the core of what I’m looking for. To find an organization that has “trusted leader, good communication” and an organization that “truly cares about employees as people” will be my new “floor” (Born & Cooks, 2022). After reading this article how can design use these hygiene factors to create the floor for solutions that inspire these motivational factors?


Born, A., & Cooks, G. (2022, December 13). Don’t salaries matter? (SSIR). Salaries Aren’t the Only Driver of Employee Engagement.