The New World of Sports Wearables

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In this review I searched out to find out what was new in sports innovation and how that my affect athletes.

In this article I wanted to take a dive into what emerging tech exists for athletes and how any of that may translate into creating better lifestyles for student athletes. Although the technology itself is interesting to read about, the motivation behind the technology is the real insight I took from this article. Many of the new technologies that exists exist for the stage of recovery or to help reduce the amount of injuries in athletes. These new wearable trackers have allowed for a wide range of insights to be found about athletes and their habits. Creating room for conversation about how certain decisions of diet and exercise affect other aspects of training and performance, and giving proof. In the last paragraph of the article they talk about having a “right mindset”, and how it takes a full commitment to a healthier lifestyle to get to become their best selves in the end (Asar, 2022). By seeing these points how then can design use emerging technology to assist athletes in keeping on top of healthy habits in all facets of life?


Asar, A. (2022, May 2). Council post: Five technologies athletes use to manage injury and optimize performance. Forbes.