Survey Visualization: Treatments with Medication


The main goal of my survey was to gain generalized knowledge of how people feel about their medications. Are they a overall positive or negative experience. Since my survey was a broader topic, I did not specify the group I wanted to hear from. I wanted to get results across the demographics. My survey was posted to r/SampleSize and r/SurveyExchange on The survey had 25 participants out of 550 people that viewed my post on reddit. The majority of the respondents do take or have taken some sort of medication and it is mostly by pill.

Overall, the results showed a positive connotation to medication. Respondents felt that their lives before medication had more negative influence but when compared to after medication was introduced, there were more positive influences. The mental health impacts and quality of life comparisons without and with medication is a big indicator to me. These are big topics of concern when addressing happiness and all around wellbeing. These categories went from a very negative stance to a very positive one after medication. Respondents are overall independent with their medication treatment as majority administers by themselves.

Medication provides a comfort for the respondents that use it. It does not inhibit parts of their lives but only boosts them. We see people are better off with involvement of a medication plan in their lives. It subsides the symptoms of their conditions and allows live to be lived again.