So you want to ride a self-driving taxi? How Waymo compares in our tests.

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Waymo has brought their self-driving technology to the forefront of the social world in San Francisco. In this article I hope to lear how experiences compare to those in I want to focus on this innovation because I believe the societal want for seamless and personalized experiences can have a strong correlation to how people approach their finances.

In looking back on this article I found that there are some common themes in the different facets of the Waymo technology. Although self driving cars can leave the passenger uneasy at times, the lack awkward interaction and road rage counteracts these issues. You are given a sense of privacy, false privacy at times, that has never been seen in the public transport sphere before. Because of these positives given to the customers in Waymo vehicles they have been a great success seeing about 100,000 rides per week (Velazco et al., 2024). Where the human interaction lacks, in these sometimes uncomfortable situations, Waymo picks up on the “introverts dream” (Velazco et al., 2024). How then can design create solutions that allow for seamless and comfortable interactions with the lack of human interjection?


Velazco, C., Jimenez, A., & Abril, D. (2024, September 12). Waymo vs. uber and lyft: How cost, speed and experience differ – The Washington Post. The Washington Post.