
Data Collected from Survey Results; Visual by Mark Celestina

I shared the survey by emailing a link to friends, family, and colleagues. I also contacted arthritis foundations throughout North America to see if they could share it with their networks, but unfortunately, none were able to help. Instead, I was advised to post the survey on online forums and social media platforms like Reddit and Facebook, which proved to be quite effective. I ultimately received 91 responses, divided into two groups: people with arthritis and those close to someone with the condition. The survey included various questions about demographics, treatment methods, and overall satisfaction. At the end, I invited participants to connect with me via Zoom or email for follow-up interviews, and eight expressed interest.

Besides finding participants for interviews, the key takeaway from the survey is the detailed list of symptoms and treatments that patients reported using or being prescribed. This information will inform my next primary research phase, focusing on injectable drug delivery systems. I also plan to conduct several interviews to better understand what it’s like to live with arthritis.