Diabetes Management Survey


After conducting a good amount of secondary research as well as an interview, I created a survey seeking to learn about different patients experiences with type 2 and prediabetes management. For my survey I was mainly focused on the preventative stages of management. This includes regular management for prediabetes, but for type 2 diabetics this only entails the management before insulin therapy. From my secondary research, I learned that many type 2 paitents end up needing insulin therapy. Through my survey, I wanted to learn about the methods used to manage diabetes, their difficulty, and maybe find a connection to the reason for needing insulin thereapy.

To find participants, I posted on multiple facebook groups as well as created posts looking for participants to my survey. The survey itself gathered 98 total responses, with 63 of respondents qualifying.

Through this survey I learned a lot about what methods and tools are used by patients, as well as their opinions on which of those is effective. I also learned about patients difficulty in maintaining these methods, as well as motivation levels during management. I created simple graphs and icons to represent some of the most prevalent data in my poster.

Survey Questions

INTRO Hello, my name is Harrison Dodd and I am an Industrial Design student at Ohio State. I am currently researching diabetes patients and their experiences before and after insulin treatment.  I am seeking to learn more about managing diabetes before taking insulin.  The information gathered from this survey will help me construct a design proposal related to diabetes.  No personal information (ex: name, phone number, address, etc) will be recorded or shared.

This survey will take approximately 3-5 minutes.

CONSENT Do you consent to take my survey?

  • YES, you have my consent  (1)
  • NO, you do not have my consent  (2)

Q1 Do you have diabetes? If so what type?

  • Type 1  (1)
  • Type 2  (2)
  • Prediabetes  (3)
  • I do not have diabetes  (4)

Q2 What is your age?

  • under 18  (1)
  • 18 – 29  (2)
  • 30-39  (3)
  • 40-49  (4)
  • 50-59  (5)
  • 60+  (6)

Q3 What is your gender?


Q4 How would you describe your race / ethnicity?


Q5 For the following questions, please consider these guidelines:

If you are pre-diabetic, reflect on how you currently manage your condition.
If you are type 2 diabetic, think about how you managed your condition before you began taking insulin.

Q6 Considering the described guidelines, how long have you actively managing your condition in this way?

  • Not Applicable  (1)
  • 0-6 months  (2)
  • 6 months to 1 year  (3)
  • 1-2 years  (4)
  • 2-5 years  (5)
  • 5+ years  (6)
  • Other  (7) __________________________________________________

Q7 Considering the described guidelines, which methods have you used to manage your condition? Select all that apply.

  • Changes in diet  (1)
  • Losing weight  (2)
  • Exercise  (3)
  • Quitting Harmful Habits (smoking, drinking, etc)  (4)
  • Other  (5) __________________________________________________

Q8 Rate the effectiveness of the previously selected methods

 0 = Not effective at all10 = Extremely effectiveNot Applicable
Changes in diet ()
Losing weight ()
Exercise ()
Quitting Harmful Habits (smoking, drinking, etc) ()
Other ()
None of the above ()

Q9 Plot the ease or difficulty of maintaining these prevention methods over time

 0 = Extremely easy10 = Extremely difficultNot Applicable
Changes in diet ()
Losing weight ()
Exercise ()
Quitting Harmful Habits (smoking, drinking, etc) ()
Other ()
None of the above ()

Q10 What tools did / do you use to aid you in your treatment? Select all that apply.

  • Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)  (1)
  • Finger Pricking (Glucometer)  (2)
  • HbA1c Blood Test  (3)
  • Other  (4) __________________________________________________

Q11 Have you ever taken any oral hypoglycemics? (Ex: Metformin)

  • No  (1)
  • Yes I CURRENTLY take a oral hypoglycemic  (2)
  • Yes I USED TO take a oral hypoglycemic  (3)

Q12 If applicable, for how long do/did you take an oral hypoglycemic?

  • 0-6 months  (1)
  • 6 months – 1 year  (2)
  • 1-2 years  (3)
  • 2-5 years  (4)
  • 5+ years  (5)

Q13 How much of an affect have these external barriers had on your care, if at all?

 Had NO effect on my care (1)Had SOME effect on my care (2)Had LARGE impact on my care (5)
Limited access to healthy foods (1)   
Limited diabetes education (2)   
Limited access to medical aid (3)   
Lack of time or access for physical activity (4)   
Lack of social support (6)   
Demanding work environment (5)   

Q14 Are you currently taking Insulin?

  • No  (1)
  • Yes  (2)

Q15 Rate your motivation level for keeping up with glucose levels BEFORE insulin treatment 1-10 (0=no motivation, 10=very motivate)

Q16 Rate your motivation level for keeping up with glucose levels AFTER starting insulin 1-10 (0=no motivation, 10=very motivate)

Q17 Rate your motivation level for managing your glucose levels 1-10 (0=no motivation, 10=very motivate)

Future Involvement If you would like to be involved in future research related to this survey, please leave a contact method below (your email or phone number).  This is completely voluntary, but your participation would be greatly appreciated.