The Best Collapsible Folding Wagons

Collapsible folding wagon (Gammon, 2024).

Best All-Around Wagon

Of all the wagons we tested, the Mac Sports Collapsible Folding Outdoor Utility Wagon best hits the sweet spot of price, versatility, weight, and ease of use. It’s one of the simplest wagons to unfold and use, and it rolls smoothly enough to keep its contents intact over mud, grass, bumps, and curbs. At 22.5 pounds, it’s one of the lighter models we tested and a cinch to lift into cars. It’s also one of the lowest-priced wagons we considered, but it performed as well as or better than wagons that cost twice as much. The wagon can hold up to 150 pounds (Gammon, 2024).

Beach Wagon Pick

With the largest capacity of any wagon we’ve tested, a quick and compact fold, and the best traction on sand we’ve found, the Mac Sports Heavy Duty Collapsible Folding All Terrain Utility Cart is our pick for toting gear to the beach. Although it does cost more than the standard Mac Sports wagon and the Seina (our former beach-friendly pick), the Mac Sports Heavy Duty wagon’s giant plastic wheels made it immune to tipping, even when it was full of beach gear, including two chairs, an umbrella, a boogie board, snacks, and a bag of sand toys (Gammon, 2024).

Who This is For

Wagons can be helpful for all kinds of jaunts, including trips to the beach and the farmers market. They are handy for lugging a load of groceries home from the store, hauling equipment to playing fields, setting up a fully stocked picnic or birthday party in the park, and even for ferrying stuff from truck to door during a move. The combination of their light weight and a fold-down frame makes folding wagons especially handy for everyday use, including getting in and out of a car or on and off public transportation (Gammon, 2024).


This article interested me by providing me with a comprehensive analysis of various collapsible folding wagons, which can be used for outdoor adventures like trips to the beach, camping, and farmers’ markets. Personally, my roommates and I have also purchased a wagon for grocery shopping and transporting goods from car to home. We found this wagon very useful ever since we purchased it. Although it’s not the brand mentioned in the article, it still does its job very well. When we bought a lot of stuff and find it hard to hand carry them, the wagon became our best friend for grocery shopping. We don’t have to worry about not being able to transport items at all since we can put larger and heavier items in the cart. However, the space and weight are still the biggest limitations. Obviously, the bigger storage and load-bearing capacity will make the cart more useful, but the considerations of size and easy to transport or not are also essential metrics for the folding wagons.


Gammon, K. (2024, May 15). The best collapsible folding wagons. The New York Times.