Financial wellness is essential for a stable life and future. Without proper financial knowledge, people can accumulate debt, leading to stress that impacts health and relationships. A recent survey found that in 2021, financial ignorance cost around $1,400 per person, with almost 20% losing over $2,500 due to a lack of financial understanding. With the shift from company pensions to individual 401(k) plans, and the increasing complexity of financial options, Americans face more financial decisions than before. Without proper financial education, many struggle to make informed choices or feel confident about their financial future.

Banks and credit unions can offer educational content to boost customers’ financial knowledge, benefiting both the customer and the institution. Using data, these institutions can better understand customers’ needs. Currently, many banks make assumptions based on age, like offering mortgages mainly to those in their 30s and 40s. However, this overlooks older customers who might want to buy a smaller home after retirement and need advice on suitable mortgage rates for a fixed income.

Banks should analyze various data points, not just age, to offer tailored financial advice to customers. By examining customers’ savings goals, transaction histories, and the financial content they engage with online, banks get a clearer view of individual needs. As more customers use digital banking, it’s vital for banks to personalize these interactions using data. A comprehensive understanding of a customer’s financial objectives allows banks to provide relevant advice. For instance, if someone aims to save for a home renovation, the bank can suggest information about home equity lines of credit.


Financial education helps individuals make wise money decisions. When banks promote financial literacy, they benefit in several ways. Educated customers trust their banks more, leading to stronger relationships. These customers are also less likely to default on loans, reducing risks for banks. Furthermore, financial education can boost the overall economy by encouraging saving and investment. As banks shift to digital platforms, educating customers on online tools and safety becomes vital for a seamless transition. In essence, fostering financial education aligns with both the customers’ and banks’ best interests.

Craig, Kathleen. “The Win-Win for Banks Promoting Financial Literacy.” BAI, 23 Nov. 2022,