Design Conjecture – Wright Flyer Sleeper


Through some of these articles I’ve found that not only does bringing people to a National Park generate revenue for the local area, but also can help to build a sense of community. With young people seeking more experiences, and after hours museum events becoming more popular, I believe an event for young adults could give them a chance to socialize, connect, and learn the story of the Wright brothers. The Carillon Historical Park site consists of several original early settlement buildings set up in a small town square. This is a cozy place. Given food, drink, and entertainment it would make a lovely venue for a festival of some kind.

In order to combine all of these ideas I’ve considered this Wright Flyer Sleeper. This tent would mimic the shape and details of the original Wright flyer. Given that the park service had many of these, young adults could come on certain nights and rent a tent in Carillon Historical Park in the square. These would be great opportunities to bring in local food and entertainment, as well as a chance for people to connect with one another and make new friends. The once tavern pictured below and on the Van Cleve bike could perhaps serve drinks. A sort of overnight at the zoo experience.