Science and Tech Conjecture: SCA – The Seismic Crowd Analyzer



The Seismic Crowd Analyzer (SCA) is a device based on three components working together. The first is a device called a raspberry shake, which is a small raspberry pi based device that makes analyzing seismic waves more accessible. An AI device trained to recognize trends in crowd levels based on seismic waves then analyzes crowd levels in several areas during a crisis. The information is then displayed on a UI map to inform relevant fields of hospital crowd levels, and potentially how many people are trapped in a certain area.


The goal of this device is to help field medics and first responders analyze the crowd levels in hospitals to better diagnose where to take a patient, as well as to detect the level of patients trapped in different areas. I think the main limitation of this strategy is the uncertainty of how well this seismic data can detect movements. Where is the limit? Can the seismic waves of a small group or even one person be detected? But if this device would work as idealized, I think it would help to address what seems to be the biggest problem in a crisis: Information, or lack thereof.