A colorful, chaotic, ‘mind bending’ experience is coming to Denver


Imagine this: Four worlds collide following a cosmic event 25 years ago. All inhabitants lose their memories, leading to the disappearances of four women.

What sounds like the premise of a sci-fi novel is actually the foundation of art collective Meow Wolf’s third permanent immersive experience in Denver, “Convergence Station.” But it will offer an otherworldly escape.

Though the backstory sounds supernatural, it is a story of immigration inspired by the Sun Valley neighborhood of Denver where the building is located, said Chadney Everett, senior creative director of Meow Wolf Denver.

Part of Meow Wolf’s mission as a registered public benefit corporation is to support artists and build community, which includes investing in the communities it comes to. In addition to collaborating with local Colorado artists for Convergence Station, the group is partnering with other arts organizations like the Latino Cultural Arts Center “to be a part of a supportive network of arts organizations throughout the city of Denver,” Everett said.

Source: Molano, S. (2021, August 3). A colorful, chaotic, “mind bending” experience is coming to Denver. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/meow-wolf-denver-art-installation/index.html

Analysis: I have followed Meow Wolf since high school and always found their projects interesting because the take the bones of interactive museums and build it up into an immersive environment that tells a story through exploration and visual cues. I think it’s also admirable that it uses local artists and funds the local art scene, cementing it into the contextual history of the town by also using their stories in the exhibit. I know that the Dayton park has enlisted some artists for small installations amongst the park but perhaps there’s more opportunity for more engagement.