Richard Russell Stole a Plane in Seattle and Crashed It. How’d He Learn to Fly?


“As he flew the stolen 76-seat passenger plane above the Seattle area for nearly an hour on Friday night, Richard B. Russell was asked by an air traffic controller whether he was comfortable “just flying the plane around.”

Mr. Russell, 28, a Horizon Air employee whose duties would have included handling baggage and de-icing planes but not flying them, responded, “I played video games before, so, you know, I know what I’m doing a little bit.”

“…Certified flight instructors and aviation experts on Sunday were divided on how much video games or flight simulators could prepare someone to operate an airplane.”


Ii, L. L., & Gomez, M. (2018, August 12). Richard Russell stole a plane in Seattle and crashed it. How’d he learn to fly? The New York Times.


This one doesn’t have much technological detail but it is an interesting perspective on how far you can carry understanding with a facsimile of an experience.