Designing safer public spaces : A PACTESUR guide by Eric Valerio


Cities play a central role in promoting a shared culture of security issues in public spaces. For cities, it is therefore crucial to take into account the influence of urban development on citizens’ feelings of insecurity. If crime can be prevented primarily through social and educational programmes, an interesting approach is also to act on the physical environment itself. Architectural measures, even if they are not sufficient to curb the phenomenon of crime, can make an important contribution. A clear and open space, and the rational use of the built environment (sufficient lighting, trimmed bushes, etc.) can limit both the risk of harm and the fear of being a victim of crime. This is what emerges from different research studies conducted independently.


In order to encourage the use of a public space, it is important to promote a space bringing together various activities. Shops, restaurants, schools, museums and other recreational points should be within walking distance of each other. It is therefore this conviviality that attracts citizens: lively public places are thus created.

The penetrability of a space

The penetrability of an area depends on the number of paths leading to the destination. A city is characterised by a high level of penetration if its layout allows users to go anywhere without many detours. The options offered by penetrability are multiple. On the one hand, it allows the citizen to avoid dark alleys or a noisy bar by taking a different route, creating a positive sense of security. It also creates more escape routes, another benefit for residents. However, the likelihood of arresting perpetrators also decreases.

The role of citizens 

Securing public space is a common challenge for everyone. It also requires its appropriation by the inhabitants-users. The higher the quality of a public space is, the more the user perceives it as a “common good” that they appropriate and respect. The commitment of citizens (as users) but also of neighbourhood associations or shopkeepers is higher in neighbourhoods that give the impression of being properly maintained. 

Not only citizens, but also site managers, municipal services, the police and the fire brigade play an essential role in the management, control and maintenance of the environment. In order to create a cleaner and safer space, a series of arrangements need to be made for the division of tasks and responsibilities.

Reflective Analysis

We often talk about limiting the risk of crime, but we hardly mention the fear of being a victim of crime. Urban security  (or public safety) through urban planning and design is a relatively recent concept. The aim is to make competent authorities aware of its importance when designing their urban projects. The quality of urban planning does not only influence feelings of insecurity among its users, but also has an effect on real (actual) security by encouraging more or less civilised behaviour. This is an important challenge for cities, because in engaging in this process additional human and financial resources will be required.


Isabella. (2021, July 30). Designing safer public spaces : A PACTESUR guide by Eric Valerio. European Forum for Urban Security.