This article explores the potential impact of virtual reality (VR) technology on urban planning. It argues that VR offers a unique opportunity to transform the way smart cities are designed and developed.
One of the key advantages of VR in smart city planning is that it provides a way for planners to visualize and evaluate their ideas in a realistic and interactive environment. This allows them to test different design options and make adjustments in real-time, without having to physically construct prototypes or prototypes. This can significantly increase efficiency and cost savings, as it reduces the need for physical mockups and trial-and-error testing.
Participatory Planning
Another advantage of VR in smart city planning is that it allows for improved stakeholder engagement. By providing a visual representation of the proposed plans, VR can help to get feedback from a wider range of people, including citizens, community groups, and business owners. This can result in a more democratic planning process, as more people are able to understand and participate in the design process.

Finally, the article suggests that VR has the potential to democratize smart city planning by making it accessible to a wider range of people, including those without technical skills. By using VR, people can get a better understanding of the plans, even if they don’t have the technical knowledge to understand traditional planning methods. This can help to create a more inclusive and collaborative planning process.
Reflective Analysis
My interest in integrating Architecture and Technology stems from working with AR and Architecture last semester. I came from a place where traditional ways of architecture were being taught and while working with AR I understood how efficient the project can be. Iterating design prototypes is much easier in digital design, not in construction where the end product is a static, physical entity that is expensive to build. Technology could solve this problem and enhance the architectural workflow.
How will virtual reality change the way we plan a sustainable, Smart City? Gowling WLG. (2019).