WHAT IS AN Interactive Animation and how do we make one?


Interactive animation is an animation that can be controlled by someone beyond just starting and stopping the animation. Of course, this is broad enough to encompass games. Perhaps this ambiguity is a reason the phrase is rather obscure. Still, the phrase is useful as a vision — primarily on the Web where we interact with the mouse, finger or gamepad.


This article gives further good insights on what interactive animation is and how it can be presented on a web platform. It gives plenty concepts regarding interactive animation and many examples. I really like the Scroll Parallax Demo Page, an example of a scroller animation on a website.

Below are several concepts/types of interactive animation:

  • Sprite — the animation, usually runs at a specified speed
  • Dynamo — makes the Sprite run at variable speeds
  • Scroller — handles scrolling backgrounds
  • Accelerator — runs all the animations at a percent speed
  • MotionController — controls with mouse, key or gamepad


Abstract, D. (2022, September 28). WHAT IS AN Interactive Animation and how do we make one? Medium. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from https://levelup.gitconnected.com/what-is-interactive-animation-1c0e080d1077