Optimizing tech for older adults

By Tori DeAngelis, American Psychological Association


Older users have different needs than younger users because of the range of technical abilities of 65 to 95 years old is vast and varied. So tech companies need to understand these users and collaborate with them on designs and applications to best support their lives. Considering the elderly are most likely to stay home than others, technology needs to advance in designing homes to make life easier, safer, and more interesting for older adults. We need to focus on helping people with limited mobility tackle home chores, connect with others, exercise and perform health care activities. Helping older adults gain these newfound skills in technology create a great importance to the human touch in learning and using these devices and applications.


Older users have different needs than younger users because of the range of technical abilities of 65 to 95 years old is vast and varied. So tech companies need to understand these users and collaborate with them on designs and applications to best support their lives. Considering the elderly are most likely to stay home than others, technology needs to advance in designing homes to make life easier, safer, and more interesting for older adults. We need to focus on helping people with limited mobility tackle home chores, connect with others, exercise and perform health care activities. Helping older adults gain these newfound skills in technology create a great importance to the human touch in learning and using these devices and applications.