Lucid Learning app – financial and economic guides


I will be referring to the actual visuals used in this learning app.

I also am interested in the style in which information is presented in this app. An app is tech, but there isn’t anything technologically innovative about this app. It is basically just a highly clickable and visual ebook in the format of a course.

Personally, I think this is the best resource I have found for really deeply learning this information, and being able to understand it in quick glances. It follows the success of duolingo, so I trust the organization of the information and it’s ability to teach. It is also friendly to all ages and backgrounds of knowledge.

However, this app is $100 a year. I will be deleting it after the free trial, I can’t do a hundred bucks on information I could have googled.

The app flows sentence by sentence, each accompanied with a dynamic motion graphic or still image. I found that when learning on the app, I am spending a lot of time staring at the images to make the words make sense. I think the greatest insight I have gained from this app isn’t that duolingo learning works, but that being able to understand a concept means being able to piece it together in the mind, and one extremely effective way of doing this is by simplifying concepts into visuals.

How can we help women visualize the impact/importance of their own financial understanding?