As early as 1979, Mr. Burleson and Mr. Linsen found evidence that three out of four consumers made their purchases with a music background, of which two-thirds tended to think that the brand cared about them because of this simple fact. Although we may not be aware of it, there are subtle factors that are present in business and that encourage the perception that shopping is more than an everyday occurrence, it’s an experience. Everything is important: the layout of the store, the way the products are placed, the smells… but one of the most influential elements in making that experience a pleasant one is the music.

Apart from promoting brand image, improving worker productivity, or increasing customer traffic, music also helps create the perfect atmosphere and directly invites people to buy, which means more sales. This sound element considerably influences our behavior when buying new products. In fact, numerous studies prove that a good musical thread increases the time consumers spend in the store.

Music activates us, inciting us to compulsive buying. The music that achieves this goal is called “emotional musical selection” because it directly attacks our feelings. The fact is that music usually generates a feeling of well-being in the consumer. Customers tend to better evaluate stores that play music, and above all, known music. “If we’re happy, we’ll buy compulsively and spend more money on the establishment”.
This article gave me a fascinating view of how different sensations (feel, sound, touch, etc.) play a larger role in how we operate on a day-to-day basis. The overview of the article is how music plays an important role in decison making behavior and helps invite the user to participate in activities. This article leaves me questioning how I could use our sensory attributes to design a more positive experience in certain areas of the shopping experience. I wonder if music could play an interesting role in how we organize objects and increase our shopping speed in stores while listening to a certain tune.