The Benefits of Curbside Pickup



Richner says using delivery or curbside pickup services gives you better control of your budget. “It is easier to see how your groceries are adding up and make adjustments if you are exceeding your grocery budget. It can also help to prevent the impulse purchases that just look or smell good.”

Preventing those impulse purchases can also help people eat healthier. “It takes a task out of the way to make getting groceries easier. And if healthy foods are in the home, it is easier to cook them,” Richner says.

If you’re picky about produce and worried about the quality of food you’ll be getting if you order ahead of time, worry not. You can make your preferences known.

“I am very specific with the produce. For instance, I do not like speckled bananas. So, I can put a notation that if they don’t have yellow bananas without spots, I would prefer green bananas. It is better to be very specific on the order,” she says.

Whether you choose to order ahead of time or go through the aisles yourself, Richner recommends meal planning and using a grocery list to shop. And never shop when you’re hungry as it’ll be easier to give into any impulse buys.


This blog focuses on the after effects of curbside pickup which I don’t think people consciously think about. I like that there are more benefits to this service besides convinience, like focusing on foods you actually need and avoiding shopping for extra items you don’t need saving you some money as well.


Gleason, Missy. “3 Benefits of Using a Grocery Pickup Service.” OhioHealth, 1 Apr. 2021,