How Teens Want to Learn About Financial Literacy


This article is about financial literacy in high schoolers- specifically low income or in the juvenile system. Financial illiteracy is more common among low-income individuals because they typically do not have wide access to accurate financial information. Youth in low-income households can fall victim later as adults to scams, high-interest rate loans, and increasing debt. Training low-income individuals in financial management can be an effective way to improve their knowledge in five areas:

  • predatory lending practices,
  • public and work-related benefits,
  • banking practices,
  • savings and investing strategies,
  • and credit use and interest rates.

This article particularly struck my interest because it noted the difference in types of financial information teenagers wanted depending on their situation. Teen parents want to know how to save for a home, migrant teens and teens in school were most interested in learning how to save money for college, more teens in juvy want to know how to file a tax return, and they all wanted to learn about money but only in an EASY way.