The Hub in Upper Arlington


My conjecture for the arts section draws primarily upon the idea of the Garden City- particularly the idea of a large glass building that hosts a marketplace, which is located at the heart of every Garden City. This large building in Upper Arlington would serve as the community hub and essentially be a cross between a YMCA, a co-op marketplace, and a bus terminal. The building would have space to host community events and activities for all generations, like those that would typically be found at a community center. The building would also house a marketplace for people from Upper Arlington and other nearby communities to sell foods that they cook or grow and handcrafted goods that they make. Lastly, the building would serve as a major hub for bus services like COTA, where people would be able to switch bus lines as needed. Not only would this hub foster all kinds of social connections within the community, but it would also streamline running errands while encouraging the use of sustainable forms of transportation. A hub like this would make it easy for people to take a bus to a single location where they can get the things that they need, rather than taking their own car to multiple locations to get everything they need. The architectural style of the building blends a glass greenhouse-type structure with the revival styles that are common in Old Arlington, further integrating this hub into the city.