Data-Backed Ways Working Outdoors Can Improve Well-Being


Summary: This article begins by stating that all humans have a biological connection to nature, a phenomenon called biophilia. It is stated that incorporating elements of nature into work environments can reduce stress, enhance creativity and increase productivity. As more companies learn about the benefits of biophilic design, the outdoors is finding its way into the design of modern office buildings. Increased happiness, reduced inflammation, more energy, improved memory, and stress relief are all notable factors in the shift toward adopting outdoor work habits. Ways to encourage a positive outdoor work environment include having a patio area with tables, chairs and umbrellas, equipping your company’s outdoor area with WiFi, power outlets, anti-glare screens, etc. outline L.L.Bean’s dedication to improving the health and well-being of their 5,000 employees. Noting the success of outdoor work spaces for a highly regarded company such as L.L. Bean is helpful in evaluating which methods are best serving their target audience, and provides a list of proven and beneficial methods for outdoor co-working practices.

Analysis: Gaining a better understanding of successful outdoor co-working spaces is a crucial step in researching for this revitalization project because I want to know what is currently working, and how to use this knowledge to benefit the community. The examples provided about L.L. Bean are helpful because there are key differentiating factors in our target audiences, but now I am aware of some things large companies are incorporating for their employees. Since I will not be designing for one type of employee, I can direct my attention to who in the community I should identify and research.