“ghostnote” – business conjecture


Professional musicians and artists have taken an insermountable blow with the loss of income from show cancellations. It is clear that there is a need for more sustainable and predicatable income for these people, as well as a means of changing society’s perspective on musicians as hobbyists.

“ghostnote” is a web-based service that allows music professionals to be payed per commission to review and offer critique works from other musicians. Artists would be able to work on their own time from anywhere, all while hearing new music and giving back to the musical community at large. This would be a one-way communication service, mediated by ghostnote, that ensures the security and privacy of artists.

As an individual seeking critique, you would be able to search for artists and purchase a review from individuals within a desired group. (For example, you could choose Justin Vernon or Sean Carey from Bon Iver to gain a specified perspective.) You would be able to view previously reviewed works that an artist and associated user have publicized to both discover new music and find other artists that share musical commonalities with you.