We Made It -Creative Reflection turned to Collaborative Installation


The pandemic has put students, teachers, and parents emotionally through the wringer. Despite all the stress that living through COVID-19 has caused, there’s a lot to be proud of. “We Made It” is a design concept with the purpose of acknowledging the challenging times while celebrating the successes. It’s a two-part idea. Part one occurs during remote learning. Kids creatively illustrate their daily emotions onto an art project in which each portion represents a day in online learning. Part Two commences once students will safely are able to return to in-person learning one day. All the little creations come together to become a permanent collaborative art piece in the school building in the form of a mural or a sculpture. The specifics of what that looks like are determined by the school community.

The “We Made It” Installation begins as a way to facilitate connection between students and teachers and transforms into a reminder of what the school community persevered through during COVID-19. It’s a way to foster social-emotional skills in young students outside the classroom. Its also something to look forward to after the pandemic. It might be able to bring together a school community when feelings of exhaustion and hopelessness are strongest. receive

Its guerrilla, its hopeful, its agile, its affordable, and it can be done by any school no matter the socio-economic state.